"Where the bugs go..ALGO"

Algo Termite & Pest Control

We have been offering pest control services for over 20 years for retail and property management, to food service,healthcare,schools,hospitals,and more. Our area of expertise lies specifically in pest control, which gives our clients an advantage as we identify the ideal pest control approach for your needs.

Building long term relationships with our clients is something we strongly believe in and we go to great lengths to ensure our valuable clients receive first rate service and affordable rates. Algo Termite & Pest Control offers lower prices, superior service, customized service plans, prompt response, free inspections & estimates.

We are A+ with the Better Business Bureau!



-Animal/Wildlife Trapping

-Ant Treatment/Baiting

-Bee/Wasp Treatment/Removal

-Bed Bug Prep

-Bed Bug Treatment

-Building Cleaning

-Cleaning Services

-Debris Removal

-Free Inspections & Estimates

-Flea Treatment

-Rat/Mice Treatment

-Roach Treatment/Baiting

-Termite Treatment

-Termite Pre-treatment

We offer FREE inspections & estimates

CALL 1 (937) 854-5155

Algo Termite & Pest Control 2574 Shiloh Springs Road Trotwood OH 45426 
All rights reserved 2019
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